Behind the Design: A Journey Through Lamonte Designs' Brand Shoot

Hey there, fellow interior designers! Today, I'm thrilled to take you behind the scenes of a recent brand shoot I had the pleasure of capturing with Lamonte Designs, right here in my Orlando brand studio, The Vibe Creative. Meet Laura Montenegro, the creative genius behind Lamonte Designs, whose passion for bespoke interior work knows no bounds.

From the moment Laura walked into our studio, her vision was crystal clear: she wanted a shoot that embodied the essence of clean, minimal, and approachable design. And so, armed with this inspiration, we embarked on a journey to bring her vision to life.

We started with the "about me" photos, setting the stage against our pristine white lux backdrop. Clad in all white and beige, Laura effortlessly exuded elegance and sophistication, setting the tone for the shoot ahead. These images were not just snapshots; they were glimpses into the soul behind Lamonte Designs, inviting clients to connect on a personal level.

As we transitioned into capturing Laura in her element, surrounded by textures, samples, and the tools of her trade, the studio came alive with creativity. Every shot spoke volumes about her meticulous attention to detail and her unwavering commitment to crafting spaces that tell a story.

But our collaboration didn't stop there. With Lamonte Designs' website in the works, we made sure to capture every image needed to fill its virtual spaces and narrate Laura's journey. From the sleek portfolio shots to the candid moments of creation, each image was carefully curated to weave together the tapestry of her story.

What we ultimately created were not just images for a website or marketing materials; they were visual narratives that captured the essence of Lamonte Designs. And as Laura shared snippets of her shoot across her social platforms, the response was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

So, fellow interior designers, here's my call to action for you: don't hide behind your work; show the face behind the designs. Embrace the power of personal branding and let your story shine through. And if you're ready to take that leap, I invite you to book a brand shoot with me at The Vibe Creative. Together, let's capture the essence of your brand and elevate your presence in the design world.

Ready to make your mark? Let's create something extraordinary together.


Elevate Your Brand with the Perfect Photoshoot: Discover Cristina Perez's Experience


Embracing Empowerment: A Brand Photoshoot with Amanda Metzger PA at The Vibe Creative Studio